We Would Love to Have You Visit Soon!Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Hypnotherapy and Transformational Life Coaching in the San Francisco Bay Area. Over 15 years experience! Specialties in Sports medicine, orthopedics, mental health, cosmetic acupuncture, pediatrics and more!
Serving Alameda County and the East Bay- Oakland, Piedmont, Alameda, Berkeley, Emeryville, San Leandro, Hayward, Lafayette, Orinda. Accessibility Statement. Privacy Policy. Terms & Conditions |
Our office is still working hard to keep our communities safe from communicable disease. Masking is requested at all times, disinfection protocols are in place and we are fully vaccinated & mask in the clinic.
Mon - Thurs: 9am-7pm Fri 3-6:30pm Some weekends Sa/Su 11am-3pm San Rafael: Two Thursdays per month 10am-6:30pm |
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