AcupunctureAcupuncture is the procedure of inserting very fine, single use disposable needles into the skin and muscle tissue to stimulate acupuncture points and meridians. Acupuncture needles are just one way of accessing the Qi of the body, our inherent life-force energy and helping to bring this vital substance into balance.
The needles are inserted and often manipulated to produce a certain sensation of energy in the body. The needles are then retained in the body for anywhere from 15 - 45 minutes. Most patients find acupuncture treatments to be quite pleasant, experiencing a sensation of deep relaxation once the needles are placed. Although there can be some discomfort with the needling procedure, it is minimal and well tolerated. |
Electro-AcupunctureElectro-Stimulation is applying small electrodes to needles inserted in the body to complete a circuit. Small scale electricity is run through the points which effects the muscles underneath. E-stim can be used to heavily stimulate points on the body to create a greater effect from the acupuncture, or it can be used at higher frequencies to reduce nerve sensitivity and thus block pain (e-stim acupuncture is actually used in China for anesthesia!) E-stim also has an immaculate effect on those affected by paralysis, specifically chronic Bell's Palsy.
Dry Needling, Motor & Trigger Point NeedlingDry needling, motor and trigger point needling is a specific acupuncture technique to stimulate specific muscle groups, fascia and tissues. This technique is very popular in orthopedic treatments and sports medicine treatments as it is specific to the muscles and joints. This technique may produce an intense sensation upon needling, which often quickly subsides. It is very effective for muscular pain, stimulating muscle to fire properly and helping muscles stop over-firing. If you're an athlete looking to enhance performance, dry needling is a must!
Chinese Herbal Medicine & SupplementsTo support your treatment at home we may prescribe traditional Chinese herbal formulas and / or supplements. We integrate with Fullscript to offer the best quality supplements delivered direct to you. Herbal medicine is a long standing tradition and can be useful to correct imbalance, treat symptoms and enhance overall wellness. Formulas are prescribed based on your specific intentions and presentation and are closely monitored and updated as indicated.
What does acupuncture feel like?
Acupuncture needles are metal, solid, and hair-thin. People experience acupuncture differently, but most feel no or minimal pain as the needles are inserted. Some people are energized by treatment, while others feel relaxed. Some people feel the initial pinch of the needle insertion while others do not, certain point are also more sensitive than others, such as those on the fingers and toes versus those on the abdomen. After needles are inserted it is common to feel a tingling, buzzing, tickling, heavy or pulling sensation at the needle site, this sensation is called "De Qi" and signifies the arrival of vital Qi to the area. |
General Wellness
Circulatory Disorders
Pediatric Patients Teenage Patients
Gastrointestinal Disorders
Gynecological / Genitourinary Disorders
Emotional, Mental & Spiritual
Musculoskeletal and Neurological Disorders
Respiratory Disorders
Dermatology / Cosmetic Acupuncture
Immune Disorders
We Would Love to Have You Visit Soon!Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Hypnotherapy and Transformational Life Coaching in the San Francisco Bay Area. Over 15 years experience! Specialties in Sports medicine, orthopedics, mental health, cosmetic acupuncture, pediatrics and more!
Serving Marin County - San Rafael, Mill Valley, Fairfax, San Anselmo, Greenbrae, Larkspur, Novato and Alameda County and East Bay- Oakland, Piedmont, Alameda, Berkeley, Emeryville, San Leandro, Hayward, Lafayette, Orinda. Accessibility Statement. Privacy Policy. Terms & Conditions |
Our office is still working hard to keep our communities safe from communicable disease. Masking is requested at all times, disinfection protocols are in place and we are fully vaccinated & mask in the clinic.
Mon / Tues / Wed: 9am-6pm Fri 3-6pm San Rafael: Thurs: 10am - 6:30pm |
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