Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a comprehensive group of treatment and diagnostic modalities dating back over 2,000 years ago. It is widely practiced in the United States and around the world, and is generally accepted as a safe and effective treatment alternative and complement to Western medical therapies.
Balance is the core underlying belief and practice in TCM therapies. Acupuncture works along the body's meridians, which carry vital substances and energy throughout the body. By regulating and balancing these meridians and organ systems we help to restore the body to its' finest working condition, and by doing so we facilitate the body's ability to heal itself.

Acupuncture is the procedure of inserting very fine, single use disposable needles into the skin and muscle tissue to stimulate acupuncture points and meridians. Acupuncture needles are just one way of accessing the Qi of the body, our inherent life-force energy and helping to bring this vital substance into balance.
The needles are inserted and often manipulated to produce a certain sensation of energy in the body. The needles are then retained in the body for anywhere from 15 - 45 minutes. ​Most patients find acupuncture treatments to be quite pleasant, experiencing a sensation of deep relaxation once the needles are placed. Although there can be some discomfort with the needling procedure, it is minimal and well tolerated.
Electro-Stimulation is applying small electrodes to needles inserted in the body to complete a circuit. Small scale electricity is run through the points which effects the muscles underneath. E-stim can be used to heavily stimulate points on the body to create a greater effect from the acupuncture, or it can be used at higher frequencies to reduce nerve sensitivity and thus block pain (e-stim acupuncture is actually used in China for anesthesia!) E-stim also has an immaculate effect on those affected by paralysis, specifically chronic Bell's Palsy.

Dry Needling - Trigger Point & Motor Point Needling

Dry needling, motor and trigger point needling is a specific acupuncture technique to stimulate specific muscle groups, fascia and tissues. This technique is very popular in orthopedic treatments and sports medicine treatments as it is specific to the muscles and joints. This technique may produce an intense sensation upon needling, which often quickly subsides. It is very effective for muscular pain, stimulating muscle to fire properly and helping muscles stop over-firing. If you're an athlete looking to enhance performance, dry needling is a must!
Cupping utilizes cups with suction either by vacuum created by heat or by a pump to suck onto the skin, once cups are fized to position they may be left on the body or moved around in a massage like manner with a liniment to help move out stagnation. You'll always recognize someone who's had cupping done by the red/purple circle marks left behind by the cups!​

Gua Sha

In a similar fashion Gua Sha may also be used - Gua Sha is one of Kim's favorite techniques, which is a scarping style massage utilizing a gua sha tool or soup spoon and liniment. This technique often looks quite awful with the temporary marks it leaves behind but most clients find it actually FEELS great, like an intense massage. ​
​Moxibustion is the application of a smoldering herb, Mugwort, to acupuncture points on the body. The warm sensation felt in the body is very relaxing and can have a dramatic effect on long standing conditions, chronic fatigue, pain associated with weakness, fertility and even the common cold.​

Rehabilitation Exercises

For most patients with pain or injuries we integrate personalized rehabilitation exercises into your treatment plan to support pain relief and injury recovery. These exercises are designed to enhance mobility, strengthen weak areas, and promote long-term healing, ensuring that your body regains balance and function alongside the benefits of acupuncture.
Herbal Medicine & Supplements
To support your treatment at home we may prescribe traditional Chinese herbal formulas and / or supplements. We integrate with Fullscript to offer the best quality supplements delivered direct to you. Herbal medicine is a long standing tradition and can be useful to correct imbalance, treat symptoms and enhance overall wellness. Formulas are prescribed based on your specific intentions and presentation and are closely monitored and updated as indicated.

Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET)

NET, or Neuro-Emotional Technique is a mind-body technique that uses a methodology of finding and removing neurological imbalances related to the physiology of unresolved stress patterns. Emotional responses are 'hard-wired' into the body. A stimulus happens, we respond, and then the body should return to normal. Occasionally, however, emotional trauma in the presence of a neurological or meridian deficit can cause a physio-pathological pattern the body that does not resolve itself. NET seeks to normalize this pattern by a physiological change; a result of a physical intervention that is made through cutaneous or spinal accesses to the nervous system.
HypnoPuncture is the combination of acupuncture with an induced hypnotic state and suggestions tailored to your specific intentions and goals for the treatment. It's an incredible way to take your healing to a deeper level, experience more relief and learn tools to help you manage symptoms on your own time.

Esoteric Acupuncture

Esoteric Acupuncture is a unique approach that bridges the physical and spiritual aspects of personal growth. It supports the body as a vessel for spiritual expansion, helping to align and harmonize your energy field and chakras. This treatment can assist in releasing fear, enhancing qi, boosting the immune system, and expanding your awareness to higher dimensions of consciousness. It is designed to enhance your spiritual journey by awakening dormant wisdom, connecting with multidimensional realities, and facilitating emotional and mental release. Ideal for those already engaged in spiritual practice, Esoteric Acupuncture helps balance the body as you deepen your spiritual path.

Frequently Asked Questions
What does Acupuncture Feel Like?
Acupuncture needles are metal, solid, and hair-thin. People experience acupuncture differently, but most feel no or minimal pain as the needles are inserted. Some people are energized by treatment, while others feel relaxed. Some people feel the initial pinch of the needle insertion while others do not, certain point are also more sensitive than others, such as those on the fingers and toes versus those on the abdomen. After needles are inserted it is common to feel a tingling, buzzing, tickling, heavy or pulling sensation at the needle site, this sensation is called "De Qi" and signifies the arrival of vital Qi to the area.
When can I expect results?
Most people will feel some effect from the treatment almost instantaneously, this effect can be as simple as relaxation to a more dramatic relief of pain or other symptoms. Every patient and every treatment is different, so there is no hard and fast rule as to what your results will be. Results can often be more dramatic in the first few treatments but fade away more quickly, this is why follow up treatments are key to acupuncture therapy. With follow up treatments we can ensure the benefits of your treatment will last longer and be more effective. Again, everyone is different and Kim will discuss your treatment protocol at your first appointment.
Is acupuncture safe?
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved acupuncture needles for use by licensed practitioners in 1996. The FDA requires that sterile, nontoxic needles be used and that they be labeled for single use by qualified practitioners only. Relatively few complications from the use of acupuncture (around 2%) have been reported to the FDA in light of the millions of people treated each year and the number of acupuncture needles used.
Can I use my insurance?
We are an out of network provider and do not bill and process insurance claims. Payment is due at time of service and we are happy to provide you with a superbill which you can submit to your insurance for direct reimbursement. Most PPO-type plans offer some coverage.
Conditions Commonly Treated
Click each read more link to see the full list
General Wellness -Preparation for medical treatment / surgery -Recovery from medical treatment / surgery -General wellness support
Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Disorders -Sinusitis -Hay Fever -Allergies -Earache -Nerve Deafness -Tinnitus / Ringing in the Ears -Dizziness -Poor Eyesight
Circulatory Disorders -High Blood Pressure -Postural orthostatic tachycardia / POTs -Dysautonomia
Pediatric & Teen Health -Anxiety, Depression, Stress -Pain and injury -Migraines -Sleep problems -Difficulty Focusing -Sports Performance -PMS / Menstrual Cramps / Irregular Cycle -Acne
Gastrointestinal Disorders -Irritable Bowel Syndrome -Colitis -Constipation -Diarrhea -Abdominal Bloating
Gynecological / Genitourinary Disorders -Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) -Irregular, Heavy or Painful Menstruation -Endometriosis -Menopause -Fibroids -Urinary Frequency / Overactive Bladder -Complications in Pregnancy -Morning Sickness -Impotence -Infertility in Men and Women -Sexual Dysfunction
Addiction -Smoking Cessation -Drugs -Alcohol -Habits
Emotional, Mental & Spiritual -Anxiety -Insomnia -PTSD / Trauma -Depression ​-Preparation for Medical Treatment -Stress -Life Changes -Spiritual Growth & Awakening
Musculoskeletal and -Neurological Disorders -Arthritis -Sciatica -Back Pain -Tendonitis -Stiff Neck -Bell's Palsy -Trigeminal Neuralgia -Headaches and Migraines -Stroke / Paralysis -Sprains -Muscle Spasms -Sports Injuries -Athletic Performance Enhancement
Respiratory Disorders -Asthma -Emphysema -Long COVID -Allergies -Mast Cell Activation Syndrome MCAS
Dermatology / Cosmetic Acupuncture -Acupuncture "Face Lifts" Facial Rejuvenation / Cosmetic Acupuncture -Wrinkles -Sagging skin -Acne -Dry skin
Immune Disorders -Chronic Fatigue -ME -Fibromyalgia -Multiple Sclerosis -Chronic Epstein Barr -Lupus